MADISON, Wis. — University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Chancellor Bruce Shepard today announced that he is the preferred candidate to become the next president of Western Washington University. If confirmed by Western’s board later this week, Shepard would step down as UW-Green Bay chancellor at the end of June—a post he has held since 2001.

UW System President Kevin P. Reilly today praised Shepard’s many accomplishments and strong leadership.

“Chancellor Shepard’s accomplishments at UW-Green Bay are impressive,” said Reilly. “His leadership embodies the campus’ motto – Connecting Learning to Life.  In ways big and small, Bruce has helped to enhance the connection between our public university and the people we serve. He’s been especially effective in working with New North and other business organizations to address the broad economic needs of the region.”

“Many current and former UW-Green Bay students will never forget their first encounter with Chancellor Shepard, who had a tradition of helping new freshmen unpack their cars and move into the residence halls,” noted Reilly. “Whether he’s carrying stereo speakers to a dorm room, or carrying the UW message to a corporate board room, Bruce has been an effective, articulate and personable leader for the Green Bay campus.”

“Under Chancellor Shepard’s leadership, UW-Green Bay has begun an ambitious plan to expand enrollment over the next several years. With early support from state leaders, we’re confident that this is one way we can address the increased regional and statewide demand for college-educated workers,” added Reilly. “The campus is also engaged in creative pre-college programs that attract and enroll a broader, deeper cut of Wisconsin youth and help them achieve their college dreams. These and other efforts are key to the success of our Growth Agenda for Wisconsin.”

UW-Green Bay Provost and Vice Chancellor Sue Hammersmith announced earlier this month that she will be the next president of Metropolitan State University in Minnesota.  Reilly plans to appoint both an interim chancellor and an interim provost for UW-Green Bay very soon. That interim leadership team will be responsible for sustaining the positive momentum achieved during Shepard’s tenure.

Reilly will also work with the UW System Board of Regents, the UW-Green Bay campus and members of the community to begin the search for a new chancellor as quickly as possible. The first step in that process is to name a search and screen committee made up of faculty, academic staff, classified staff, students and community representatives.

In accordance with Regent policies, that search committee will be comprised mostly of UW-Green Bay faculty members. The committee will screen all nominees and candidates, recommending five finalists for consideration by Reilly and a special committee of the UW System Board of Regents.

“I look forward to working closely with campus leaders to appoint the committee. I will meet with them at the campus soon, to get this process underway,” said Reilly.

Mark J. Bradley, president of the UW System Board of Regents, today named Regent Judith V. Crain to chair the special Regent committee. Crain, a longtime Green Bay resident, served on the Board of Education there for 16 years, and is a former member of the UW-Green Bay Chancellor’s Council of Trustees.

View UW-Green Bay news release

Media Contacts

Scott Hildebrand UW-Green Bay 920-465-2850
David Giroux UW System (608) 262-4464