MADISON – “Governor Doyle, when proposing his 2003-05 state budget, proposed and supported a $250 million dollar cut to the UW System, and the Legislature agreed not to increase the cut. After reviewing his vetoes today, it appears there are two provisions in particular that could potentially deepen the cut to the university by many millions, just as we are preparing for fall classes.
“Specifically, the provisions relate to budget lapses of information technology funds regarding the former Department of Electronic Government; and part-time employee health insurance. The biennial cut to the university budget from these two vetoes could exceed more than $20 million.
“I am hopeful that the Department of Administration, with the governor’s support, will exercise its discretion not to cut the UW System beyond $250 million when deciding how to allocate these additional reductions. The UW System is taking 38 percent of the cut to state spending over the next two years, even though it makes up only 8 percent of state government. This is already a hugely disproportionate cut to our budget. Additional budget reductions will only further diminish our ability to effectively serve our students and the state.”