Alice Pulvermacher communicated via email with Institutional Change Team leads, Math Steering Committee members and Education Subcommittee representatives regarding Math Initiative spring 2020 workshop format and timing changes in response to the spread of COVID-19. Those April-May Workshop changes are reflected in the
.During this April 15 virtual panel, UW System Math Initiative leaders at three institutions shared how they are leveraging cross-campus collaborations for successful implementation of their Math Initiative project plans. They discussed strategies they have used to engage with admissions, enrollment and other cross campus units/offices to support implementation and communication with students related to math pathways, multiple measures for math placement, co-requisites, etc.
- DeAnn Possehl, Co-ICT Lead, UW-Parkside
- Nick Danz, ICT Lead, UW-Superior
- Elizabeth Hachten, Co-ICT Lead, UW-Whitewater
As usual, after each session, related materials including recordings were posted in the April-May 2020 Workshop Virtual Sessions SharePoint folder.
Please email with any questions.