Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee Charter

As outlined in the charter as adopted by the Board of Regents, the Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee shall have charge of the oversight of: all audit-related matters, internal and external; compliance with laws and regulations; internal controls; enterprise risk management; and ethics.

Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee Charter-2.7.25 FINAL pdf

Office of Internal Audit Charter

The Office of Internal Audit Charter was approved by the Board of Regents on February 7, 2025 and outlines various key roles and responsibilities of the Office of Internal Audit, and grants authority to the Office to have unrestricted access to all functions, records, property, and personnel relevant to engagements.

Office Of Internal Audit Charter-2.7.25 FINAL pdf

Integrity Hotline

Reporting Misconduct, Illegal Activity, Fraud & Abuse

If you have a concern about misconduct, abuse, fraud, illegal activity, violations of university policy, or if you fear retaliation for speaking out, the University of Wisconsin System provides a simple and anonymous way to file a report.  Simply go online or dial 855-827-4950.

EthicsPoint Online

Internal Control and Fraud Trainings

The Office of Internal Audit has developed internal control and fraud trainings that can be viewed by UW System employees. You will need to authenticate with your local organization to access this link.

Office of Internal Audit

At-a-glance profile of UW System’s internal audit office including staff phone numbers and mailing addresses.

Office of Internal Audit