The Joint Legislative Audit Committee held a public hearing on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 on the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau’s audit of the University of Wisconsin System (report 19-5) and related follow-up information. The Joint Legislative Audit Committee also held a public hearing and executive session to consider a proposed audit of information technology needs assessment and procurement. President Cross provided testimony on report 19-5 (attached below) and UW System staff members responded to questions from committee members.

A full recap of the hearing can be found here.

The Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality will meet on Wednesday, September 4 at the Memorial Student Center (Great Hall) in UW-Stout. Invited testimony will begin at 1:00 p.m. and is expected to conclude at approximately 4:00 p.m.. Members of the public will have the opportunity to testify at the conclusion of the invited testimony.  See meeting notice for more details and a complete list of invited speakers.


The Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, Children and Families held a public hearing on Tuesday, August 27, 2019. Items discussed included:

  • AB 117/AB 82- Athlete Agents Act
  • SB 142/AB 161- Tuition Benefits for Student Veterans (see below for PDF of written testimony provided by UW System)
  • SB 55/AB 51- Minority teacher loan program

The Committee also held an Executive Session on SB 42/AB 38- UW research contracts, which was previously passed by the Assembly. The bill will head to the Senate Floor next.

In addition, a public hearing was held for Board of Regents Karen Walsh, Olivia Woodmansee, and Edmund Manydeeds III. A confirmation date for these position has not yet been set.

See video link for full recap of both the public hearing and executive session.


The Speaker’s Task Force on Water Quality will meet on Thursday, September 5 at Yellowjacket Union in UW-Superior. Invited testimony will begin at 11:30 a.m. and is expected to conclude at approximately 2:00 p.m.. Members of the public will have the opportunity to testify at the conclusion of the invited testimony.  See meeting notice for more details and a complete list of invited speakers.

The “All in Wisconsin” tour showcasing the incredible value every University of Wisconsin System campus provides for students, families, and taxpayers, will kick of on Monday, September 9 at UW-Parkside. The day-long event will involve meetings with business and community leaders, direct engagement with students, and media opportunities to promote the benefits and value of each campus to its region. Currently, there are eight events scheduled through early December.  The dates are as follows:

  • UW-Parkside, Monday, September 9
  • UW-River Falls, Thursday, September 12
  • UW-La Crosse, Wednesday, October 2
  • UW-Superior, Thursday, October 10
  • UW-Oshkosh, Tuesday, October 22
  • UW-Stevens Point, Wednesday, October 30
  • UW-Eau Claire & UW-Stout, Wednesday, November 20
  • UW-Whitewater, Thursday, December 5

As part of this outreach effort, we are excited to share success stories and learn about how the UW System can do better. We believe the value of our public universities is more important than ever and engaging the public on these issues is critical to the state’s success.

The Joint Legislative Audit Committee will hold a public hearing on the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau’s audit of the University of Wisconsin System (report 19-5) and related follow-up information at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 10, 2019, in Room 411 South of the State Capitol. See public hearing notice below. The Joint Legislative Audit Committee will also hold a public hearing and executive session to consider a proposed audit of information technology needs assessment and procurement. Because this proposed audit will involve the University of Wisconsin System and its institutions, President Cross and appropriate staff members will be present at the hearing to respond to questions from committee members.

The submission portal for the 2019-20 Foxconn “Smart Cities-Smart Futures” competition will be available starting Monday, September 9. This marks the second year for this innovative program, where students, staff and faculty from Wisconsin’s higher education intuitions are eligible to submit innovative concepts and plans for creating smart cities of the future. Up to 100 winners will receive the Award and will be eligible to compete in Round 2. Submission portal for Round 2 applications will be available starting Thursday, November 7.

New changes for this year include:

  • Improved competition structure with greater emphasis on broad inclusivity and creating investment-ready concepts and plans.
  • Expansion of Core Partner Team
    • The organization SCORE will be available to provide Executive level mentorship for Round One winners to aid with advancing their business plans in subsequent rounds
  • Optimizing the time required by judges and partners.
  • An Engaging College Road Show to visit universities and promote the competition (invitations to universities, schools or programs are welcomed)

More information and formal announcement can be found on the Smart Cities-Smart Futures website.

The Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, Children and Families will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 27, 2019. See public hearing notice for more information on Board of Regents confirmations and Senate Bill 117 (athlete agents act) and Senate Bill 142 (tuition benefits for student veterans). For more information on Senate Bill 42 (UW research contracts) and Senate Bill 55 (minority teacher loan program), please see Executive Session notice.

Rep. Katrina Shankland, (D-Stevens Point), and Sen. Dave Hansen, (D-Green Bay), introduced a series of bills that affect the UW System. The bills were formally introduced in the Senate and have been assigned as follows:

  • SB-355  UW Blue Ribbon Commission: This bill creates a Blue Ribbon Commission in the University of Wisconsin System. Referred to the Senate Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, and Children and Families.
  • SB-356  UW Funding: This bill provides additional funding to the University of Wisconsin System and making an appropriation. Referred to the Senate Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, and Children and Families.
  • SB-357  UW Tuition Freezes: This bill requires that all future tuition freezes for the University of Wisconsin System are funded. Referred to the Senate Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, and Children and Families.
  • SB-359  UW Student Grants: This bill funds Wisconsin grants for University of Wisconsin System students and technical college students and makes an appropriation. Referred to the Senate Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, and Children and Families.
  • SB-360  Tuition Remission: This bill remits UW undergraduate student teachers’ academic fees for the semester they are student teaching. Referred to the Senate Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, and Children and Families.
  • SB-358 Tech College Aid: This bill is included as part of the package but does not affect the UW System. It provides additional funding  funding for the technical college system. Referred to the Senate Committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, and Children and Families.

The 13th annual Education Next survey of public opinion, administered in May 2019, highlights how provocative ideas regarding education are resonating with the American public.