Recent Federal Actions

Department of Education Reduction in Force

The Universities of Wisconsin are aware of the layoff actions announced March 11 by the Department of Education. It is our hope that these actions will not impact current funding provided by the Department of Education, including federal student financial aid. The Universities of Wisconsin are working to learn more about the impacts of this action, and as more guidance is provided by relevant authorities, further updates will be shared.

Advocacy Update

The Universities of Wisconsin continue to engage with Members of Congress – including the Wisconsin Congressional Delegation – and through our national associations on issues of importance and concern to our universities ranging from ongoing conversations related to government funding to potential cuts to research and federal student financial aid. Updates continue to be shared with designated university legislative liaisons, who are engaged in similar efforts both state and federally as appropriate.

Political Activity Guidance Reminder

As a reminder, as uncertainty continues around the emerging federal landscape, Universities of Wisconsin employees should be mindful of political activity and public advocacy guidelines.

Activities such as sharing a petition or contacting a legislator for political purposes using your university email address or state resources to engage in political campaign activities at any time or engaging in political activities during work time are prohibited.

In your capacity as private citizens, on non-work time, and without use of university resources (including the use of university email addresses) employees may circulate or sign a petition or letter of support advocating for public policy or a political candidate. However, if using your name and official title, it should be made clear that an individual’s endorsement indicates neither support nor endorsement by the university of a particular policy position or candidate, and that you are acting solely in your role as a private citizen.

For more information, you can read the Guidance on Political Activities Frequently Asked Questions document. Importantly, these FAQs should be treated as general guidelines and not legal advice.

Please direct specific questions regarding political campaign issues to the Office of General Counsel or your university’s Office of Legal Affairs.


The Working Group added the first wave of FAQs on the Federal Updates websites (public facing and internal team). The Working Group is reviewing additional FAQs and will post new information (with an updated date) as they are approved.