The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Revenue, & Financial Institutions held an executive session on Thursday, February 6, and heard the following bill related to UW System:
- SB-645 Tax Exemption: A sales and use tax exemption for building materials that become a part of a facility for the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority
The Committee voted to pass SB 645, including Amendment 1, in a 9-0 vote.
Following the executive session, the Committee held a public hearing and heard the following bills relating to UW System:
- SB-563 Extension Services: funding for certain extension services of the University of Wisconsin System and making an appropriation
- JR0 SB4 Extension Ag Positions: county-based agriculture positions in the Division of Extension of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and making an appropriation.
President Ray Cross registered in favor of both these bills, and UW-Madison provided testimony for both bills.