(revised 2/21/2025)
(revised 2/21/2025)

UW-Eau Claire
Marquell Johnson
Professor/Department Chair
Director, P.R.I.D.E. & P.R.I.D.E.4Adults
Department of Kinesiology
Phone: (715) 836-3948
Email: johnmarq@uwec.edu
Chair: Evan Weiher

UW-Green Bay
Patricia Terry
Professor, Chair of Richard J. Resch School of Engineering
Resch School of Engineering
Phone: (920) 465-2749
Email: terryp@uwgb.edu
Chair: Bill Dirienzo

UW-La Crosse
Greg Ormes
Associate Professor
Communications Studies
Phone: (608) 785-8714
Email: gormes@uwlax.edu
Chair: Greg Ormes

Eric Sandgren (Fall Semester)
School of Veterinary Medicine
Phone: (608) 770-3448
Email: eric.sandgren@wisc.edu
Chair: Li Chiao-Ping

Taylor Odle (Spring Semester)
Assistant Professor
Educational Policy Studies
School of Education
Phone: (608) 262-1718
Email: todle@wisc.edu
Chair: Li Chiao-Ping

Kathleen Dolan
Distinguished Professor
Department of Political Science
Phone: (414) 229-6468
Email: kdolan@uwm.edu
Chair: Kathleen Dolan

Pascale Manning
Associate Professor
Department of English
Phone: (920) 424-7342
Email: manningp@uwosh.edu
Chair: Pascale Manning

William Parker
Associate Professor of Physics
Mathematics and Physics Department
Phone: (262) 425-0775
Email: parkerw@uwp.edu
Chair: William Parker

Barb Barnet
Professor & Department Chair
Department of Mathematics
Phone: (608) 342-1743
Email: barnetb@uwplatt.edu
Chair: Andy Pawl

UW-River Falls
Mialisa Moline
English, TESOL, & Modern Languages
Phone: (715) 425-4445
Email: mialisa.moline@uwrf.edu
Chair: Mialisa Moline

UW-Stevens Point
Kristi Roth
School of Education
Phone: (715) 346-3360
Email: kristi.roth@uwsp.edu
Chair: Kristi Roth

Petre (Nelu) Ghenciu
Professor & Department Chair
Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science
Phone: (715) 232-1149
Email: ghenciup@uwstout.edu
Chair: Petre (Nelu) Ghenciu

Nicholle Schuelke
Associate Professor of Teacher Education
Chair of the Department of Education
Department of Education
Phone: (715) 394-8249
Email: nschuelk@uwsuper.edu
Co-Chair: Josh Stangle
Co-Chair: Stephanie Polkowski

Jonah Ralston
Associate Professor
Politics, Government, and Law
Phone: (262) 472-1676
Email: ralstonj@uww.edu
Chair: Jonah Ralston

Universities of Wisconsin Administration
Sheryl Zajdowicz
Director of STEM and Applied Research Initiatives
Office of Academic Affairs
Phone: (608) 262-6497
Email: sheryl.zajdowicz@wisconsin.edu

Universities of Wisconsin Administration
Johannes Britz
Interim Senior Vice President
Academic & Student Affairs
Phone: (608) 262-3826
Email: johannes.britz@wisconsin.edu

Universities of Wisconsin Administration
Diane Waters
Program Associate
Office of Academic Affairs
Phone: (608) 262-3216
Email: diane.waters@wisconsin.edu