Under this Hazardous Materials tab, we provide general information on and resources for hazardous materials and hazardous waste management, hazardous transportation and information on specific hazardous materials and substances commonly encountered at UW System campuses.
For the purposes of organizing our website, we take a broad view of hazardous materials in grouping content here. We have content on hazardous substances, hazardous material categories, and hazardous material activities. For example, asbestos or mercury (substances); compressed gas cylinders (category), and transportation and storage (hazardous material activities)
Please select a topic from the menu at left or use the search feature at the upper right of the page to find keywords. Contact the UW Risk Management with questions or comments.
This publication was prepared for Environmental Health and Safety staff at University of Wisconsin System campuses, to assist in finding resources and information for regulatory compliance. It is not intended to render legal advice.