The number of semesters enrolled and credits taken by bachelor’s degree recipients is shown by various student characteristics.
Time and Credits to Degree
Bachelor’s degree recipients
Bachelor’s degree recipients include first-time bachelor’s degree recipients. Bachelor’s degree recipients at former UW Colleges from 2014-15 to 2017-18 are retroactively allocated to affiliated universities in the current UW structure. To protect student privacy, data are not shown when there are 5 or fewer bachelor’s degree recipients.
Credits attempted (credits to degree)
Credits to degree at “Any UW” includes UW credits attempted at any UW university by students starting as new students at any UW, including two-year campuses. “Same UW” is based on new students who started at and graduated from the same UW university. “Same UW” includes four-year campus and its affiliated two-year campus(es) for all the years included in this dashboard. Available data begin in 1993-94, when a systemwide goal to reduce time and credits to degree was established.
UW credits funded by all sources are included in the analysis. Placement credits, credits awarded for prior learning, and credits transferred from non-UW institutions are not included in any credits to degree calculations.
Credits to degree is a measure of the resources used by undergraduate students during the process of earning a bachelor’s degree. Several factors influence the number of credits students take on the way to graduation. Students may take extra classes to explore new fields, increase their job marketability, complete a second major or certificate program, or for personal development. Some students may require initial, remedial classes before being ready for college-level work. University-controlled factors include the number of credits required for degree completion, requirements for specific academic programs, course availability, academic advising, and the number and type of placement credits or transfer credits accepted.
Fall and spring terms enrolled (time to degree)
Fall and spring terms enrolled at “Any UW” includes fall and spring terms enrolled at any UW university by students starting as new students at any UW university, including two-year campuses. “Same UW” is based on new students who started at and graduated from the same UW university. “Same UW” includes four-year campus and its affiliated two-year campus(es) for all the years included in this dashboard. Available data begin in 1993-94, when a systemwide goal to reduce time and credits to degree was established.