Trends in student headcount and full-time-equivalent (FTE) enrollments are shown by a variety of student characteristics.
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Technical Notes
Data in the interactive visual page is reported by individual campus and allows the user to freely select and aggregate enrollment. To more readily accommodate analytical use, branch campus enrollments are reported using their post-restructuring names for all years of data. This continuity in name, however, is not intended to reflect nor imply a historical relationship, prior to fall 2018, between branch campuses and their current parent institution. As such, users should refer to the “All Institutions*” selection under the interactive table tab for any non-analytical data needs relating to the seven institutions involved in UW’s restructuring.
Data for UW Colleges Medford, open from 1973-1981, is not included in the interactive visual page. For system totals that include UW Colleges Medford, please refer to the “UW System” totals found within the interactive table tab.
Headcount reflects the number of individual students. Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollments capture proportional course-taking activity of full- and part-time students. FTE is calculated for undergraduates as credits divided by 15, for graduate students as credits divided by 12, for PhD students as credits divided by 7, and for pharmacy and law students as credits divided by 15. Medical and veterinary medicine students are each considered one FTE.