UW System Records Officers Council

Records Officers are appointed by their institution leaders pursuant to Wis. Stat. sec. 15.04(1)(j). Their chief duty is to assure compliance with records retention and disposition laws. The records officers from each UW System institution form the University of Wisconsin Records Officer Council. The tasks of the Council include:

  1. Producing general schedules for the University of Wisconsin System,
  2. Providing records management resources, including this website, for the University of Wisconsin System; and
  3. Working together with the State of Wisconsin Public Records Board to advocate on behalf of the University of Wisconsin System.

Records and Forms Officers are not responsible for responding to public records requests (a/k/a freedom of information requests). Persons wishing to make a public records request should contact the institution’s public records custodian.

stack of papers
Institution & Webpage Contact Person Title Email Phone Number
UW-Eau Claire Sarah Beer Assistant University Archivist and Records Management beersj@uwec.edu 715-836-2739
UW-Green Bay Christopher Paquet Associate Vice Chancellor, Policy & Compliance paquetc@uwgb.edu 920-465-2110
UW-La Crosse Robin Tuxen Assistant to Vice Chancellor, Administration & Finance publicrecords@uwlax.edu 608-785-6494
UW-Madison Sarah Grimm Academic Archivist sarah.grimm@wisc.edu 608-262-3284
UW-Milwaukee Derek Webb Head of Archives webbds@uwm.edu 414-229-5402
UW-Oshkosh Joshua Ranger University Archivist ranger@uwosh.edu 920-424-0828
UW-Parkside Rebecca Robbenolt Records Manager & Archivist robbenno@uwp.edu 262-595-2411
UW-Platteville Jourden Kachel Compliance Specialist and Youth Program Coordinator kachele@uwplatt.edu 608-342-7133
UW-River Falls Morgan Paavola Archivist & Records Manager morgan.paavola@uwrf.edu 715-425-4968
UW-Stevens Point Brad Casselberry Records Manager & Assistant Archivist bcasselb@uwsp.edu 715-346-3234
UW-Stout Rebecca Kuske Assistant Archivist & Records Officer kusker@uwstout.edu 715-232-2300
UW-Superior Jamie White-Farnham Library Director jwhitefa@uwsuper.edu 715-394-8201
UW-Whitewater Jennifer Motszko Digital Scholar & Archivist motszkoj@uww.edu 262-472-5515
UW System Administration Katie Patten Public Records Coordinator uwsarecords@wisconsin.edu 608-262-6448

To update your institution’s contact information, please fill out and complete this form.

Institution Records Management

The University of Wisconsin System believes that efficient records management is vital to the administrative control and operational success of its component campuses. The UW System is committed to the idea that each campus should operate an effective records management program to ensure efficiency and economy in their creation, use, handling, control, maintenance, and disposition of records. The UW System also believes strongly that its component campuses must cooperate to ensure a top-notch records management program across the entire UW System, through standardizing records management practices as much as possible and through increased reliance on System-wide general records schedules.

For information on an institution’s records management program, visit their website.