The Compliance Matrix is a tool created to assist UW institutions in monitoring and complying with hundreds of obligations from federal and state law, as well as Board of Regents and UW System policies. The Matrix contains summaries of each obligation and guidance on how to comply.

For compliance obligations requiring regular reporting, the matrix auto-generates reminders to the designated responsible employee including information to be reported, due date, frequency of reporting, and to whom the report should be submitted. These reminders are sent 90, 60, and 30 days in advance of a report due date.

Each UW institution has an assigned Matrix Administrator who operates as the primary point of contact for the institution to facilitate the use of the Compliance Matrix and serves as the primary Matrix liaison contact with the UW System. The Matrix Administrator is responsible for communicating to appropriate contacts at their institutions, assigning permissions for Matrix use, and updating responsible employee data in the Matrix as individuals assigned to compliance obligations change or new obligations are added.

Compliance Matrix

Manage compliance responsibilities on your campus.

Enter the Compliance Matrix

Higher Education Compliance Alliance

Compliance Matrix

Compliance Training

If you are interested in training topics regarding compliance requirements, contact the Office of Compliance & Integrity via email

Request training

Matrix Administrators

Contact your university’s matrix administrator.

Contact your administrator