We’re happy to report a successful rollout of UWBI after a very long road! UWRF has moved to operations with UWBI. We have successfully implemented multiple subject areas in our repository for our local SIS data, with the capability for cross-subject-area reporting. We are also utilizing scheduled report delivery via email agents. All of our high-priority Hyperion reports were transitioned to UWBI by the March cutoff, and additional reports and data views have continued to be released in order of institutional priority.
The majority of our Hyperion users, plus a number of new users, have participated in our report consumer trainings, and we have received positive feedback on both the trainings and the usability of the new system. We are still revising our workflow and administration of user access roles and data security. Our immediate goals are to develop a system health monitoring process, provide users with a data dictionary reference tool, identify campus needs for new reports, and build additional subject areas.
Information and updates for UWBI at UWRF can be found here: https://www.uwrf.edu/Research/Self-Service-Reporting.cfm