UWBI HRS Shared Query Training

In these 1-hour HRS Shared Query workshops via webinar, you will gain a basic understanding of the University of Wisconsin Systems Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE Tool), and how it can be used as an analytical reporting tool to support strategic reporting and its functionality based on your role as a Consumer. The webinar structure [...]

UWBI Scheduled Outages

DoIT Solutions Engineering staff will apply monthly Red Hat updates to the UWBI servers resulting in an outage to UWBI environments on the following dates and times: UWBI Central Dev Tuesday 1/8/2019 5:00am to 7:00 am. UWBI Test Thursday 1/10/2019 5:00am to 7:00 am. UWBI Production Thursday 1/17/2019 5:00am to 7:00 am.

UWBI HRS Shared Query Training

In these 1-hour HRS Shared Query workshops via webinar, you will gain a basic understanding of the University of Wisconsin Systems Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE Tool), and how it can be used as an analytical reporting tool to support strategic reporting and its functionality based on your role as a Consumer. The webinar structure [...]

BI Training Meeting

This meeting is designated for institution identified UWBI Trainers/Lead Trainers. Meeting frequency will be determined at the April 2, 2018 meeting and items discussed will include institutional specific training resources, tools, needs, and collaboration. Institutional Trainers are identified here.

UWBI HRS Shared Query Training

In these 1-hour HRS Shared Query workshops via webinar, you will gain a basic understanding of the University of Wisconsin Systems Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE Tool), and how it can be used as an analytical reporting tool to support strategic reporting and its functionality based on your role as a Consumer. The webinar structure [...]

BI Training Meeting

This meeting is designated for institution identified UWBI Trainers/Lead Trainers. Meeting frequency will be determined at the April 2, 2018 meeting and items discussed will include institutional specific training resources, tools, needs, and collaboration. Institutional Trainers are identified here.

UWBI HRS Shared Query Training

In these 1-hour HRS Shared Query workshops via webinar, you will gain a basic understanding of the University of Wisconsin Systems Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE Tool), and how it can be used as an analytical reporting tool to support strategic reporting and its functionality based on your role as a Consumer. The webinar structure [...]

UWBI HRS Shared Query Training

In these 1-hour HRS Shared Query workshops via webinar, you will gain a basic understanding of the University of Wisconsin Systems Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE Tool), and how it can be used as an analytical reporting tool to support strategic reporting and its functionality based on your role as a Consumer. The webinar structure [...]

BI Training Meeting

This meeting is designated for institution identified UWBI Trainers/Lead Trainers. Meeting frequency will be determined at the April 2, 2018 meeting and items discussed will include institutional specific training resources, tools, needs, and collaboration. Institutional Trainers are identified here.