1. Warhawk Angie Carchesi earns national award for audio feature

    Photo of Angela Carchesi, UW-Whitewater student

    Angie Carchesi has shown impressive versatility and talent in digital media during her time at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. In her three-plus years on campus, she has won four awards each from the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association and the Wisconsin Community Media for her TV and radio work. She recently added a national award to an already impressive list of […]

  2. UW-Whitewater marks a record number of visitors for camps, other events

    Photo of UW-Whitewater gymnastics camp

    The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater hosted a record number of camps and conference participants over the summer of 2023 — more than 6,740 people, the most since the university began hosting campers in 1973. In addition, an estimated 7,000 people experienced the campus through large-scale partner events such as the Wisconsin Special Olympics 2023 State Summer Games and […]

  3. UW-Whitewater student geoscience research on Lake Superior draws on indigenous knowledge

    Photo of students on a field study gathering on the Lake Superior shore of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Reservation for a bonfire summer 2022. Some of the undergraduate research projects worked on during the field study were accepted for presentation at the Geological Society of America Conference in Pittsburgh in July 2023. (Juk Battacharyya photo)

    The campfire light dancing on a circle of faces on the Lake Superior shore has a feeling of eternity — as if people have been huddling here for as long as there have been people and fire. Waves lapping at the shoreline keep their own eternal cadence. In the firelight are five University of Wisconsin-Whitewater […]

  4. UW-Whitewater awarded funds to support seniors’ use of technology

    Photo of UW-Whitewater students helping senior citizens use technology

    The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has awarded the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater $378,400 to support the technology needs of regional older adults and people who have disabilities. The grant funds the newly opened Intergenerational Technology Services, where college students will provide free technology services to community members in four counties in southeastern Wisconsin. UW-Whitewater will offer a program […]

  5. UW-Whitewater students conduct tropical research in Costa Rica

    Photo of, from left, Miles McIntosh, Mireia Hernandez Justicia, Wendy Kamora, Tania Limón Ramirez, and Andrea Romero in the jungle of Costa Rica. Limón Ramirez, McIntosh, and Hernandez Justicia are undergraduate students from UW-Whitewater, Kamora is a student from University of California, Berkeley, and Romero is a UW-Whitewater faculty member who served as a faculty member on the project. (Photo courtesy of program participants)

    Tania Limón Ramirez never imagined living in the jungles of Costa Rica, with bats nesting above her cabin’s doorway and the low-pitched roar of howler monkeys jarring her awake in the morning. That’s how the summer of 2023 began for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater student, who participated in the Organization for Tropical Studies’ Research Experience for […]

  6. Exploring unknown worlds: UW-Whitewater student blends communication and science in deep sea venture

    Photo of ship

    Studying the deepest depths of the ocean to learn more about space. It might seem counterintuitive, but it describes the mission of the JOIDES Resolution, a seagoing research vessel, which departed from Portugal and is exploring extreme parts of the Atlantic Ocean from April through June. UW-Whitewater graduate student (M.S. in Communication) Sarah Treadwell (pictured below, right) is […]

  7. From trials to triumph: Hollyn Peterson has big dreams for her future

    Photo of Hollyn Peterson, an art and art education major from Waukesha, looking at art she helped students create during her student teaching time at Meadowbrook Elementary School in Waukesha.

    As a child, Hollyn Peterson faced a very uncertain future. As she battled cancer, she missed a significant portion of school to undergo life-saving treatment, and the question of whether she would even be able to continue her education hung in the balance. Today, the three-time cancer survivor is earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a […]

  8. UW-Whitewater professor wins Fulbright award to study desert ecology

    Photo of Romero pausing to have her own photograph taken while checking trail cameras. (Photo courtesy of Andrea Romero)

    For Andrea Romero, the rainforests of Costa Rica have become almost a second home. She has been conducting research on the wildlife ecosystem in the Central American country for nearly two decades. Lately, her focus has been on scavenging — how rainforest creatures use the carcasses of dead animals to maintain the circle of life […]

  9. Game development skills solve an art gallery’s problem

    Photo of Brian Michael, a UW-Whitewater media arts and game development student from Sycamore, Illinois, placing 12 works by painter Jerry Jordan. Brian created art installation software for the gallery, which takes the dimensions of the paintings and the wall, so he can determine the correct placement and spacing for the art. This software saves workers from hand-measuring and manually working out the placements. (UW-Whitewater Photos/Craig Schreiner)

    Brian Michael, a media arts and game development major from Sycamore, Illinois, still beams when he talks about being paid to do programming for his campus employer, Roberta’s Art Gallery, located in the University Center at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. “It sometimes gets to be a bit of a bother finding all of the measurements and making sure […]

  10. UW-Whitewater hosts national wheelchair basketball championships

    Photo of the Warhawks’ AJ Fitzpatrick shooting in the second half against the University of Alabama. The UW-Whitewater Men’s and Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Teams hosted the first day of a two-day tournament of elite college teams at Kachel Fieldhouse on Friday, Dec. 2, 2022 (UW-Whitewater photo/Craig Schreiner)

    The finest wheelchair basketball athletes from around the nation traveled to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater on March 16-18 for the National Wheelchair Basketball Association men’s intercollegiate championships. Eleven universities participated, including UW-Whitewater: University of Alabama, University of Arizona, Auburn University, City University of New York, Eastern Washington University, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, University of Illinois, […]