1. UW-Stevens Point graduates turn internships into jobs at Skyward

    Skyward Grads are seen smiling in their office

    It’s a common paradox for college graduates – getting a job requires experience, but how do you get experience without a job? Thanks to a partnership with Skyward, Inc., students at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point are gaining both. An educational software company based in Stevens Point, Skyward currently employs more than 400 people, 145 […]

  2. Marshfield Clinic, UW-Stevens Point collaborate on mammogram research

    professors analyzing a map

    Missed mammograms represent missed opportunities for early breast cancer diagnosis, a study involving Marshfield Clinic and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Center showed. The two organizations have partnered since 2010 to discover what causes missed mammograms. Women who undergo annual mammograms and are diagnosed with breast cancer are more likely to […]

  3. UW-Stevens Point and Wisconsin biotech company land biofuels research grant

    biology professor with lab technician working with technology

    Promising biofuels research at a Wisconsin biotech company and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is getting a boost from a $224,292 National Science Foundation grant. C5.6 Technologies of Middleton, Wis., and the Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology (WIST) at UW-Stevens Point were awarded the grant to continue work on developing bacteria that will ferment sugar into […]

  4. Alexander Landerman: Artist, entrepreneur, UW-Stevens Point class of 2013

    artist at work in his studio

    Alexander Landerman had a rocky start academically. “I was kicked out of kindergarten, failed first grade and spent most of second grade in the hallway,” he said. Junior high and high school involved more recreation than the other three R’s of education. If that doesn’t sound like a deserving winner of a first-time entrepreneurial award, […]

  5. Artful collaboration provides educational and business opportunity

    Stevens Point, Wis. — A problem has turned into an opportunity – and produced a new, economical art paper for student and faculty use – thanks to a unique collaboration between departments at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Visual arts students in UW-Stevens Point’s College of Fine Arts and Communication require a special art paper […]

  6. UW-Stevens Point student researcher helping to develop new state crop

    Stevens Point, Wis. – Working in a fourth-floor lab in the Dan Trainer College of Natural Resources (CNR) Building, Heath Brandner deftly plucks a tiny American hazelnut plant from its growth medium. The robust little seedling, three weeks old, is ready for division and transplanting. Brandner carefully records information about the plant’s condition and marks […]

  7. Health and Wellness Online Degree Grows to Meet Demand

    running shoes on feet in motion

    “The skills I’m learning will give me the ability to help people take the initiative, to get involved with health programs, and gain control of their own well-being. My co-workers helped me get healthy. Now I’m helping them.”