1. Building a Better Response to PFAS Contamination

    Photo of student research, FCW

    A career in water or the environment never occurred to AJ Jeninga until she took a winter break course to Yellowstone as an undergraduate. Now a double alumna of the Universities of Wisconsin, Jeninga was hired as the first-ever emerging contaminant outreach specialist at the University of Wisconsin – Extension’s Natural Resources Institute. She works […]

  2. ‘Castify’: UWL grad student develops new podcasting platform

    Photo of Logan Larson, a graduate student in UW-La Crosse's Software Engineering program, who has developed a new podcasting app, "Castify."

    Logan Larson, a fifth-year graduate student in UWL’s Software Engineering program, has loved computer science since he was a kid.   In fact, Larson’s mother has been a computer science teacher all of his life. He says he started creating his own video games when he was young, and as he continued to take courses throughout his […]

  3. Mathematics in motion: UWL mathematical models answer farmers’ questions about infectious disease

    Photo of David Elzinga, UW-La Crosse assistant professor of mathematics and statistics, who combines approaches from Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science to address scientific questions based on biological topics. (Jen Towner, UWL University Marketing & Communications)

    David Elzinga has a history of using math to help animals survive. From moose suffering from too many ticks to bats with fungal infections, Elzinga has developed mathematical models to answer a plethora of questions biologists have about the spread of disease. Elzinga, a UW-La Crosse assistant professor of Mathematics & Statistics, recently presented “Baa-ttling […]

  4. Still marching — 50 years later: PomPons mark half-century since Orange Bowl performances

    Photo of members of the 1973-74 UWL PomPons who marched in the La Crosse Oktoberfest parade this September — 50 years after their memorable appearance at the Orange Bowl in Miami. (Jen Towner, UWL University Marketing & Communications)

    It was not a walk down memory lane, but a march down memory lane. Members of the 1973-74 UW-La Crosse PomPons reunited at the end of September to mark 50 years since their memorable performance with the rest of the UWL marching band at the Orange Bowl Parade in Miami. The group gathered on campus […]

  5. What’s in your playground? UWL chemistry researchers study trace metal contamination in playground surfaces

    Photo of UWL Senior Katie Peterson preparing samples. To simulate entering the stomach, samples of rubber play surface, wood chips and sand are added to acidic solutions, shaken up and heated at body temperature for two hours, the amount of time the sample would be in someone’s stomach. To simulate a being put in the mouth, a clean water solution is used instead of the acid solution.

    Slippers on their feet, chemistry researchers pass through two doors, arriving in a small room where filtered air circulates on the third floor of UW-La Crosse’s Prairie Springs Science Center. Inside the glass walls of this “clean lab” researchers in white lab coats, gloves and goggles are careful not to track in even a hint […]

  6. UW-La Crosse’s CaML grand opening: New media lab gets students over the humps of working with the latest A.I, virtual reality and more

    Photo of CaML Director Taylor Cole Miller giving a tour of the new media lab space.

    The metaverse. Augmented reality. Artificial intelligence. The rapidly-changing world of communication can be either feared or embraced. UW-La Crosse students will be doing the latter in a new eight-room media lab suite called the Communication and Media Lab (or the CaML for short). The CaML provides UWL College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities students and faculty a […]

  7. UW-La Crosse: New graduate fellowships

    Photo of Kaitlyn Schneider beginning her second year in UWL’s master’s program in biology this fall. She is anticipating a May 2024 graduation from UWL with plans to apply to doctoral programs.

    Fellowships help students pursue research in a challenging, supportive environment Curing cancer. It’s more complex than people realize, says Kaitlyn Schneider, UW-La Crosse graduate student in biology. Curing cancer is not working on one cure, she explains. Different cancers have different mutations, meaning treatments that work for some forms of cancer have no effect on […]

  8. Dr. Wags: A four-legged friend joins college student clinicals, preparing students to work with clients who have service animals

    Photo of Rossi, who can help someone play a game of cards.

    Motivation and support come in many forms, including a cold nose and a warm heart. The UW-La Crosse Health Science Interprofessional Research Center recently welcomed its newest staff member: Canine Companions Facility Dog Rossi. Rossi is a smart dog and the first canine to become part of UW-La Crosse classrooms — specifically clinical classrooms where […]

  9. History — on the waves: UWL professor, visiting scholar dive deeper into freshwater history

    Photo of Penelope Hardy, associate professor of history, conducting research on oceanic history globally. This summer she works with Visiting Scholar Gillian to create a collection of primary sources on freshwater waterways. Pictures, in addition to books, have helped the two researchers think of all of the different ways people have relationships with water from ice fishing to baptisms.

    Back in the late 1860s, Geologist John Wesley Powell traveled down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon describing natural wonders — powerful water, sandstone canyons and adventurous nights spent in caves. His finished diary, “Down the Colorado” would capture the imagination of Americans curious about life and travel out West. Powell’s trip was sponsored […]

  10. Research for better running: Want less impact on joints? UWL PT research shows a simple cue can make a big difference

    Photo of Kelsey Redman, left, who says the results of her research on impact forces in running has also informed the cues she gives herself as a runner with two half marathon finishes so far.

    The type of cues that female runners receive can significantly alter their running pattern and reduce the stress they put on lower body joints such as the knee and hip. A study from a University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Physical Therapy graduate student found that the simple instruction to “land more softly with each footfall” is a more effective […]