1. Marinette students are showing the region that they mean business

    Photo of UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus students enjoying a warm walk to class.

    Strong management skills are in high demand in nearly every profession, and especially in today’s business environment. Now college students can earn a Bachelor’s of Business Administration (BBA) in Management at the UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus, while rarely leaving the Marinette region. Hilary Homa “I had wanted to get started on a bachelor’s degree for a long […]

  2. UW-Green Bay: An artist rediscovers her muse

    Photo of Kasie Lin Bazan, art major, posing with two pieces of her artwork inside Studio Arts' 407 Gallery. UW-Green Bay, Sue Pischke University Photographer

    Kasie Lin Bazan still remembers her first art exhibition, on the family refrigerator. “My mom, especially, has always been very encouraging with my art and signed me up for art classes when I was younger. So, I assumed that I was as good as Leonardo or anybody else.” With her mom’s encouragement and DaVinci’s inspiration, […]

  3. A new UW-Green Bay program is igniting the passion in those who desire to serve and impact change

    iStock photo representing new UWGB program to start enrolling in fall 2023

    New Master of Public Administration program enrolling now for September 2023 start A decades-long drive to prepare people to serve in leadership positions such as city managers, directors of nonprofit organizations, and county administrators is on the horizon. The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is now enrolling its first students in a Master of Public Administration (MPA) program. […]

  4. Nonprofit professionals gain education and insight at inaugural spring conference

    Photo of attendees at the sold-out inaugural Nonprofit Education & Development Network Conference, held on April 5, 2023, at Lambeau Field.

    The inaugural Nonprofit Education & Development Network Conference, held on April 5, 2023, at Lambeau Field was a sold-out event! The event, ‘Nonprofit Resilience: Reset, Renew & Inspire,’  brought together more than 250 talented thought leaders and community members from the nonprofit sector to focus on building resilience and helping to inspire industry professionals. The one-day event […]

  5. UW-Green Bay: Nonprofit professionals gain education and insight at inaugural spring conference

    Photo of participants in inaugural spring conference for nonprofit professionals organized by UW-Green Bay's Division of Continuing Education & Community Engagement.

    The inaugural Nonprofit Education & Development Network Conference, held on April 5, 2023, at Lambeau Field was a sold-out event! The event, ‘Nonprofit Resilience: Reset, Renew & Inspire,’  brought together more than 250 talented thought leaders and community members from the nonprofit sector to focus on building resilience and helping to inspire industry professionals. The one-day event […]

  6. Dr. Rosa King’s journey through First Nations Studies helps her Indigenous language program

    Photo of Dr. King teaching 3–6-year-old children in the Oneida language immersion program she created. (Photo courtesy of Dr. King)

    Each fall, students in the Oneida language immersion program excitedly harvest the bounty from the Three Sisters garden located at their school in Oneida, Wisconsin. What might appear to an outsider as a simple outdoor activity for energetic children is actually much, much more. In fact, it’s a key milestone along a year-long learning journey […]

  7. UW-Green Bay announces new Literacy Initiative to improve reading rates across the region

    Photo of UW-Green Bay's Literacy Initiative website

    UW-Green Bay students, faculty, staff and community members called to be a part of the solution n a continued effort to meet regional needs and address community challenges, UW-Green Bay announced today the UW-Green Bay Literacy Initiative. The new reading-focused program will provide much needed hours of volunteer reading time to area first through third graders […]

  8. UW-Green Bay alum and school counselor: See—How He Rises

    Photo of School Counselor See ViXai Thao poses in front of Washington Middle School in Manitowoc. UW-Green Bay, Sue Pischke University Photographer

    See ViXai Thao is a morning person. Which is a good thing, since he’s usually at work from about seven ‘til ten. “The actual workday doesn’t start until 7:20, but I like to come in early.” This is also good because while he’s not a farmer, he has quite a flock to attend to—nearly 500 […]

  9. Rising Phoenix Empowered Nadia Neziri to Test-Drive College

    Photo of Nadia Neziri, UW-Green Bay student

    There’s fast-tracking your college experience, and then there’s Nadia Neziri’s academic life in the fast lane. “I have a summer internship and I’m taking two summer classes.” While that’s not so unusual, consider for a moment that she will be walking onto UW-Green Bay’s campus as a first-year student but with the academic standing of […]

  10. UW-Green Bay: One working mom’s homework—kids, COVID and a BSN

    Photo of Lisa Pawlak, who is graduating from UW-Green Bay in December 2022.

    Without question, Lisa Pawlak is driven. As one of the hundreds of students graduating this winter at UW-Green Bay’s commencement ceremony, Lisa’s path to earn her bachelor of science in nursing speaks to the tenacious, problem-solving nature of a UW-Green Bay student. Lisa has completed her degree while working full time as a registered nurse […]