1. UW-Green Bay: More than ‘dates and numbers,’ Emily is future-focused as a history major

    Screenshot of UWGB history major

    From a young age, Emily knew her future would involve history and teaching. In high school, she considered becoming a teacher, and after enrolling at UW-Green Bay, she took an interactive history class that included a ‘revolution’ simulation. She was inspired by this interactive way of learning history, knowing that most people view history as […]

  2. UW-Green Bay: Navigating the course of supply chains

    Photo of a UW-Green Bay student speaking with Mark Rourke, President and CEO of Schneider National about the Master's of Science in Supply Chain Management at the "Bridging Success Through Leadership" speaker series event on the Green Bay campus. Photo courtesy of Dan Moore, University Photographer.

    Two centuries ago, intrepid sailors transported barrels of pork, whiskey, fish and flour on the slow, uncertain journey to military outposts along the Great Lakes. Soon, drones will be dropping purchases at the feet of customers. Supply is no longer a chain but a complex, interconnected network of suppliers, warehouses and distribution centers, all working […]

  3. Rising Higher at UWGB: Watch ‘Meghan’s Story: Master’s in Nutrition and Integrated Health’

    Photo of Meghan, a UW-Green Bay graduate student who is passionate about helping people through the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program

    Meghan, a UW-Green Bay graduate student is passionate about helping people through the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program. While working there as a Dietetic Technician, she realized that she wanted to rise higher in her career and decided to enroll in UW-Green Bay’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrated Health program. Learning more about food […]

  4. From Prison to the Podium

    Photo of UW-Green Bay Commencement Speaker Adam Procell’

    It’s hard to fathom what words of wisdom someone with nearly a quarter-century behind bars could have for a college graduating class. Turns out, a lot, especially if you’re a person who considers the Green Bay Correctional Institution your alma mater. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay graduates, friends, family and faculty took in the worlds of […]

  5. An empowering voice: Rebecca Stewart’s journey in education and research

    Photo of UW-Green Bay English student Rebecca Stewart, who shared her research on “The Satanic, Romanticism, and Vampires: How Vampires in The Black Vampyre and Carmilla Relate to the Satanic.” at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. (Photo courtesy of Rebecca Stewart)

    Rebecca Stewart, a UW-Green Bay student and future educator, credits her English classes with helping her rise to become a nationally recognized English student. Supportive instructors can significantly influence a student’s journey and goals. The power of mentorship is evident in the story of one remarkable student. Two notable figures in Rebecca Stewart’s story are […]

  6. State of New Hampshire Looks to UW-Green Bay for Direct Care Workforce Training

    Photo of UW-Green Bay

    Program will mirror Wisconsin program that has certified 4,000 caregivers in 15 months Beginning mid-November, members of the state of New Hampshire interested in providing invaluable direct care services will be trained through the same instruction model offered in Wisconsin. This collaborative training model, developed by UW-Green Bay’s Continuing Education and Workforce Training (CEWT) program in […]

  7. Touchdown! UW-Green Bay celebrates 85,883 annual continuing education and workforce training learners, enough to fill Lambeau Field

    Graphic of more than 85,880 UWGB continuing education learners, enough to fill Lambeau Field

    Green Bay, Wis.—It’s one thing to fill a professional football field with fervent fans of the green and gold on a Sunday afternoon in fall. It’s another to surpass that same stadium’s capacity of 81,441 by filling it with learners.* That’s just what happened over the last year when 85,883 learners —more than enough to […]

  8. Leading in the AI Field: Watch Jonah’s video about being a Computer Science Major

    Photo of UWGB Computer Science major Jonah

    Jonah’s childhood passion was playing video games and to customize his weapons, he learned how to code. This was the start of his journey into computer programming. Jonah is majoring in Computer Science with a Cybersecurity emphasis at UW-Green Bay. His future aspirations are to develop and work with artificial intelligence because of its many applications and […]

  9. High school summer internships give students freshwater experience before college

    Photo of High School Summer Scholars conducting a mussel survey.

    It’s not often that high school students have the opportunity for paid internships that provide them hands-on career experience before heading to college. The High School Freshwater Summer Scholars internship program at UW-Green Bay does exactly that. What began as a pilot program with one intern in 2022 grew to 10 interns in summer 2024. […]

  10. UW-Green Bay student: Finding her passion as a design major

    Photo of UWGB art design student Sammie

    Meet Sammie – her passion for design began in high school, where she took three art classes and knew that she would continue to expand her horizons as a Design major at UW-Green Bay. Designers are creative thinkers who use psychology, math, and history in their work. As Sammie puts it, “It’s both your left and right […]