Campus Stories
Teaching from afar: UW-La Crosse finds creative ways to engage students remotely
May 8, 2020
Masks made from paper bags. Outreach to local nonprofits. Remote connections to cutting-edge software. This is how some UW-La Crosse faculty are engaging their students in remote or online formats in the age of COVID-19. “Teaching online takes months of planning and preparation, and we had to make the change in just a couple weeks,” […]
Small Business Development Center at UW-Green Bay turns it into overdrive
May 6, 2020
When local small businesses and entrepreneurs needed help navigating the pandemic, the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) of UW-Green Bay answered the call—literally—serving remotely, 591 distinct businesses with disaster consultation since March 15… the most of any state center (Madison was second with 163 businesses served). Wisconsin SBDCs have been the “go to” for the […]
UW-Stevens Point is cooking up something special for students
May 4, 2020
When COVID-19 took her food and nutrition students out of their kitchen classroom, a University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point faculty member brought her kitchen to them. Senior Lecturer Deborah Tang has been cooking up videos in her own kitchen since the end of March to share with the 12 students in her Introductory Foods class. […]
UW-Whitewater lands another million-dollar cybersecurity grant
April 30, 2020
Less than two months after receiving a $1.9-million-dollar grant to expand cybersecurity internships, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has won $1.1 million to help Wisconsin defense suppliers comply with federal cybersecurity requirements. This new grant, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense through the Wisconsin Execution of Cybersecurity Understanding, Remediation and Education for Defense (WISECURED) program, will require […]
UW-Eau Claire, Mayo Clinic and community makers working together to produce face shields for local hospitals
April 22, 2020
When medical workers everywhere — including the Chippewa Valley — began pleading for more personal protective equipment as they battle COVID-19, Dr. Doug Dunham knew UW-Eau Claire’s Materials Science and Engineering Center could help meet the needs of the local medical community. “We have 3D printers and we have people with expertise,” says Dunham, a […]
See the UW-Green Bay Lawton Gallery ‘Knees Deep’ exhibition through photos
April 20, 2020
The Jefreid Lotti exhibit at UW-Green Bay’s Lawton Gallery had to be suspended because of the COVID-19 response. But thanks to Curator Emma Hitzman, the public can still view Lotti’s work. More
On, Wisconsin at home: UW-Madison shares ways to enjoy art and music while social distancing
April 16, 2020
While we’re all practicing social distancing, online resources from the University of Wisconsin–Madison can make you feel a little closer to campus. Follow #onwisconsinathome on Twitter and Instagram for more ideas about how we can social distance together even when apart. The Chazen Museum of Art The Badger Band marches on — virtually Helen Louise […]
UW-Platteville student creates a community-wide mutual aid and care network
April 14, 2020
When classes are in session, University of Wisconsin-Platteville senior Kayla Golden usually finds herself busy, whether it’s with her electrical engineering coursework or conducting research on the latest transistor technology. So, when the university made the recent decision to extend spring break for a week, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Golden found herself with […]
UW-La Crosse alumnus works on cracking the coronavirus code
April 10, 2020
As world awaits vaccine, UWL alumnus works to sequence virus’ genome. A UW-La Crosse alumnus is on the front lines of an effort to understand — and ultimately defeat — the virus that causes COVID-19. Peter Thielen, 2005, is a molecular biologist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. As millions […]
UW-Milwaukee researcher is taking a clean look: Examining the toxicity of new antibacterial additives to hand soaps
April 8, 2020
Hongbo Ma used to think antibacterial soap was her friend – or, at the very least, her ally – if she thought of it at all. Ma, an associate professor of environmental health sciences in the Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health at UW-Milwaukee, is an environmental toxicologist by training, dedicated to safeguarding human […]