The Division of Finance and Administration is responsible for the conduct of all financial affairs and the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Universities of Wisconsin. The Vice President serves as the chief financial officer to the Board of Regents, President, Chancellors, and their staff in matters of financial policy and planning and is responsible for providing assurance of the fiscal integrity of the Universities of Wisconsin. The major financial functions include financial planning, financial control, administrative and Board of Regents’ policy review, trust funds investing, and financial and nonfinancial data reporting. The division also advises the Board of Regents, the President of the Universities of Wisconsin, and the UW universities in formulating, interpreting, and implementing policies related to sound business operations, oversight, and strategic planning. It provides leadership for systemwide projects to ensure highly functioning services consistent with best practices.
The Vice President supports the President of the Universities of Wisconsin in developing recommendations to assist the Board of Regents in fulfilling its responsibilities to maintain and advance public trust and to engage university leadership in strategic planning and consensus-building regarding the development of infrastructure, facilities, and human capital.

Julie Gordon
Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration
1760 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 262-1311
Fax: (608) 262-3985
Aimee Arnold
Director of Strategic Initiatives
1748 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 262-1544
Sarah Ebben
Policy Analyst
780 Regent St.
Madison, WI 53715
Telephone: (608) 265-4623
Diana Trendt
Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance & Administration
1762 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Telephone: (608) 263-9403
Office of Capital Planning & Budget
Offers institutional partners guidance and expertise in capital planning, budgeting, and architectural/engineering services to assist them in developing and maintaining their biggest single physical investment – university facilities. This office also develops the Board of Regents biennial capital budget request.
Office of Human Resources
Provides Human Resources leadership, policy development, guidance and functional expertise to sustain and engage a talented, diverse workforce for the UW System.
Office of Information Security
Oversees the security of UW System Administration's information and supports the academic and research ambitions of the UW community.
Office of Learning & Information Technology Services
Supports the use of technology to enhance the teaching and learning mission of UW System. Also supports information technology systems and services for UW System Administration.
Office of Trust Funds
Responsible for the administrative and investment oversight of endowment and other investable funds entrusted to the Board of Regents of the UW System.
UW-Shared Services
UW-Shared Services provides human resources, payroll, benefits, business services, and reporting services to UW System employees and universities.