Virtual Webinar Series
Tuesday, May 7 & Tuesday, May 21, 2024
9:00-10:30 AM CST
*Participants are highly encouraged to attend both sessions, however, the sessions will be recorded for those who cannot make it to both. Please be sure to register even if you can only make one session. The Zoom link will be provided to registrants closer to the event dates.
Presentation Description:
The Universities of Wisconsin 360 Advising initiative and the Student Behavioral Health initiative are partnering to host this trauma informed care webinar series.
Trauma informed care is the key to building teams that are productive, resilient, and cohesive. In this two-part series, Adam Jussel, Katharine Manning, and Dimitri Topitzes will cover the definition of trauma informed care and how it can be implemented in the workplace, in the classroom, and elsewhere on your campus. This will be a great session for anyone, including supervisors, faculty, and staff.
The series also covers the practical steps we can take to provide support to students and colleagues who may be experiencing trauma or distress, how to build a culture where individuals who are struggling can get the help they need, and how to implement self-care practices that ensure healthy boundaries and protect us from burnout. Participants will leave the sessions with the skills and the tools to build and maintain a culture of care.
About the Speakers:

Adam Jussel
Adam Jussel
Adam Jussel leads an amazing Dean of Students Office team to support students in matters concerning student conduct, student advocacy and engagement, support resources, campus safety initiatives, and crisis management. Adam works to translate student needs and concerns into changes on campus to make UWM better for students. As co-lead of the Campus Cares initiative, he works towards supporting a variety of programs and research around trauma informed care; student, faculty, and staff wellbeing; and comprehensive, holistic health and wellbeing for all UWM students, faculty, and staff. Adam is also the co-chair of UWM’s threat assessment (behavioral intervention) team and is the UWM Clery Officer. He received his juris doctorate from Seattle University and is a faculty member for higher education law and policy at Marquette University. With a certification in higher education law and policy from NASPA, he is a member of the organization’s Associate Vice President Steering Committee and NASPA Region IV-E Board, speaks and presents topics such as trauma-informed care, mental health, student conduct, Title IX, and other areas related to campus compliance.

Katharine Manning
Katharine Manning
Katharine Manning is the President of Blackbird DC, which provides training and consultation on empathy at work. As a Senior Attorney Advisor with the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, for fifteen years Katharine guided the Justice Department through its response to victims in cases ranging from terrorism to large-scale financial fraud to child exploitation. She now uses her expertise to help organizations prepare for and respond to the challenges they face involving employees and clients who may be in trauma. Katharine has worked on issues of trauma and victimization for more than 25 years. She is the author of The Empathetic Workplace: Five Steps to a Compassionate, Calm, and Confident Response to Trauma on the Job, and teaches at American University and in the Master’s in Trauma-Informed Leadership Program at Dominican University.

Dimitri Topitzes
Dimitri Topitzes
James “Dimitri” Topitzes, PhD, LCSW, is professor and chair in the Social Work Department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM). He also serves as the Director of Clinical Services for the Institute for Child and Family Well-Being. As a researcher, Dimitri partners with community-based agencies to implement and test innovative trauma-responsive programming such as the trauma screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment or T-SBIRT protocol. As an instructor, he founded and directed the Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Graduate certificate program at UWM and teaches courses within it such as Trauma Counseling and Mindfulness & Community Building.