The Global Community for Academic Advising (NACADA) has declared the first week in May as Global Advising Week to honor academic advising in its many impactful forms.
UW System recognizes that advising is essential to the success of our students and appreciates the efforts of advisors, coaches, and others who support and guide our students. In recognition of Global Advising Week, we invite you to join us for the webinar described below.
Engaging Conversations:
Cultivating the Appreciative Advising Framework to Connect with Students & Help Them Thrive
May 3 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Presenters will provide a refresher on the Appreciative Advising Theory-to-Practice Framework and application as a model for cultivating effective relationships with students to help them thrive–whether you are gearing up for orientation season or preparing to meet students virtually or in-person during the academic year. They will highlight the important role professional and faculty advisors play–through your conversations and interactions with students–to help students foster a psychological sense of community, which is the engine that drives student thriving.
During this interactive and engaging session, they will share appreciative approaches for connecting with students. They also will invite participants to share their experiences and ideas and co-design strategies with one another.
For more about the six phases of Appreciative Advising (pictured at left), visit appreciativeadvising.net.
Amanda Propst Cuevas, PhD
Director of the Office of Appreciative Advising, Florida Atlantic University
Amanda Propst Cuevas is the Director of the Office of Appreciative Education at Florida Atlantic University where she works to support and expand Appreciative Education initiatives globally. She is Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Appreciative Education and presents worldwide to help educators incorporate Appreciative Advising theory-to-practice framework into their work. Read her bio
Mykel Beorchia, MS
Executive Director of University and Exploratory Advising, Utah State University

Mykel Beorchia is the Executive Director of University and Exploratory Advising at Utah State University. Mykel serves as the NACADA Communities Division Chair for the Appreciative Advising Community. She uses the Appreciative Advising framework in her work to help students achieve their dreams, while also improving retention and completion rates at the institution. Read her bio
.Webinar Recording and Materials
Find links to the webinar recording and other materials here (UW log-in required).
Please complete this brief evaluation after the webinar.
If you have questions or want more information, contact Angie Kellogg at akellogg@uwsa.edu.